Fight Like A Girl Cancer Benefit Show is a benefit show that Lou DiBella (Sub Zero, Skarhead, Son Of Skam) is putting together for his girl Trista Vaughan. Trista, a mother of 3 young, beautifull kids was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer a few months ago. Lou has put together an amazing benefit show to help with all the financial troubles this diagnosis brings..
Lou, a cancer survivor himself, has managed to pull an amazing line up together.
The Fight Like A Girl benefit show line up includes: THE MISFITS, SHEER TERROR, 100 DEMONS, CODE ORANGE KIDS, SUBZERO, INCENDIARY, RUDE AWAKENING and more. Furthermore bands like SICK OF IT ALL, GORILLA BISCUITS, HATEBREED and many more have offered up band related items to put up in auctions to help raise money as well.
Mark this date on your calendar: Saturday April 27th, 2013. Venue: Tuxedo Junction 2 Ives St. Danbury, CT. Check out the flyer above for more details
For tickets hit up:
More info is also available at the Fight Like A Girl Facebook Page.
Please support this cause any way you can. Trista, Lou and their kids need all the aid we can offer!
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